Tarif unique
Licence FFM de votre choix
25% de réduction pour le roulage annuel
20% de remise chez nos partenaires
Accès privilège au forum

Le RG500 Club de France est ouvert à tous les possesseurs de moto 2 temps et vous fait bénéficier de nombreux avantages :
- accès à la licence FFM de votre choix,
- Des sorties ou balades entre membres et participation à diverses manifestations : sorties circuits des autres club 2temps,
- Des vêtements et accessoires spécifiques pour les membres du club, des pièces mécaniques ou spécifiques par nos partenaires et préparateurs,
- Autocollants en relief spécial 30° anniversaire (5€, offert à tous les nouveaux membres)
- Chemises Racing « RG500 club de France » au prix de 25 €, tailles S,M, L, XL. Couleur blanche logo cœur,
- T-shirt RG500 bleu, gris, 3 dessins différents 20€,
- Casquettes bleues, ou Rouges à votre guise 10 €,
- La documentation d’origine Suzuki sous format papier/informatique : manuels, revues d’atelier … de toutes les gammes !
- Les différents certificats d’origine des motos Suzuki (duplicata), doc de course, bibliographie…
- Des facilités avec les partenaires pour l’achat d’échappements, pistons, joints, roulements, boîtiers CDI programmables …
Club affilié à la FFM sous la référence C2364 – ASSOCIATION RG 500 CLUB DE FRANCE
INSCRIVEZ-VOUS si vous désirez faire le plein de renseignements techniques et d’astuces
Si vous n’êtes pas un adhérent du premier jour, il vous manque peut-être les premiers numéros de la revue du club, « le carrément 2 temps » ?
Les retirages sont disponibles, et ne coûtent que 8€ pièce, port compris. Les anciens numéros ont été renumérisés ; il est à nouveau possible de les éditer en couleur. Les fichiers PDF® sont également disponibles en consultation sur le site des membres.
Des questions ?
Le CA et les délégués régionaux et membres du bureau sont à votre écoute.
J’aime vraiment conduire ma moto. Quand je veux juste m’évader et être seul et me vider la tête, c’est ce que je fais.
Bulletin d'adhésion
« * » indique les champs nécessaires
Questions / réponses
Are you a Harley club?
No, we are not focused on any single brand of motorcycle. In fact, our club’s founding members included at least three members who each owned a different motorcycle dealership.
Are you an "OUTLAW" motorcycle club?
After successfully infiltrating one of the most infamous outlaw biker gangs, Charles Falco dons the wire and heads back undercover in the new series of Gangland Undercover, Tuesdays at 10pm exclusively on HISTORY.
I ride a motorcycle, can I join?
The terminology is left over from the days before motorized conveyances, where to « drive » horses or cattle was to induce them to move in a desired direction. People « rode » horses by sitting on them.
If I see you guys around, can I say hello?
Not in the Southern United States! There, “guy/guys” is still considered a male usage, reserved for addressing a strictly male audience in an informal setting. Using it towards or in reference to a mixed or all-female group will get the speaker some strange looks in return.
I used to know a guy in the club, can you say hi for me.
Your older sister recalls, “We were lab partners in chemistry. Somewhere between the first assignment and lighting the Bunsen burner, he asked me out. We’ve been together ever since.”
Do I have to join STAR to ride with a Chapter?
Yes you can! STAR Touring and Riding is a family organization and our family and friends don’t always own the same brand of bike. Although our main focus is the Star Motorcycle Line manufactured by Yamaha, we welcome all motorcyclists.
What is in a membership packet?
New membership packets contain the following; STAR membership ID card, Arm patch for type of membership required, ie; STAR, LOS, Kids, Teen, Brass new member pin, (adult members only), welcome letter, current discount card(s), and a card of decals.
Renewal packets contain the following; Adult members only, New STAR membership card, small year rocker for the year you renewed, welcome letter, and current discount card(s).
Where do I buy a back patch?
You can order them by going to the STAR Mall or by calling the International Office. Remember, you must be a current member of STAR Touring and Riding. Refer to the placement guidelines at the bottom of this page.
our benefits
why choose us

Meet new and like-minded folks
Being part of a ride group is a great way to get that missing hint of novelty in your life. Each ride takes you to new places, makes you see new faces, and while each face comes with its own eccentricities, the one thing that remains a common thread among all is their love for rubber on tarmac and freedom.
Happiness multiplies when shared
Being part of a ride group is a great way to get that missing hint of novelty in your life. Each ride takes you to new places, makes you see new faces, and while each face comes with its own eccentricities, the one thing that remains a common thread among all is their love for rubber on tarmac and freedom.
Rides are safer
Being part of a ride group is a great way to get that missing hint of novelty in your life. Each ride takes you to new places, makes you see new faces, and while each face comes with its own eccentricities, the one thing that remains a common thread among all is their love for rubber on tarmac and freedom.
Get More Attention
Being part of a ride group is a great way to get that missing hint of novelty in your life. Each ride takes you to new places, makes you see new faces, and while each face comes with its own eccentricities, the one thing that remains a common thread among all is their love for rubber on tarmac and freedom.
Get to know more machines
Being part of a ride group is a great way to get that missing hint of novelty in your life. Each ride takes you to new places, makes you see new faces, and while each face comes with its own eccentricities, the one thing that remains a common thread among all is their love for rubber on tarmac and freedom.
Be part of a Legacy
Being part of a ride group is a great way to get that missing hint of novelty in your life. Each ride takes you to new places, makes you see new faces, and while each face comes with its own eccentricities, the one thing that remains a common thread among all is their love for rubber on tarmac and freedom.